Posts archive for February, 2015

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Viagra comes as a tablet containing sildenafil citrate, to take by mouth. For most men, the recommended dose is 50 mg. taken, as needed, approximately 1 hour before sexual activity. However, sildenafil citrate may be taken anywhere from 4 hours to 0.5 hour before sexual activity. Based on effectiveness and toleration, the dose may be increased to a maximum recommended dose of 100 mg or decreased to 25 mg. The maximum recommended dosing frequency is once per day.

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Viagra for sale uk next day delivery to your door UK online adult store for condoms, masturbation sleeves and anal sex toys The National Security Agency and the Drug Enforcement Administration spent years, but have not prosecuted any current or former employees who are suspected of participating in what they believe were the largest electronic tracking schemes ever known, The Intercept revealed Monday. The government agencies — NSA and DEA have relied on a secret program that the Intercept documents show is a "backdoor" used by government surveillance agencies to access the contents of computers used by at least four American telecom companies, including AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint. SPONSORED The government documents show that communications between the two agencies are stored and searched by NSA DEA. In addition, the companies that use code have built in backdoors for the agencies to use and have received immunity from lawsuits brought by civil liberties groups challenging their complicity in the government surveillance efforts. In a statement released by the organization Monday, ACLU called case "one of the most consequential and poorly coordinated cases of its kind", and said the federal government should launch an "immediate independent review" into the actions of its contractors. "No one should be at any greater risk of surveillance than someone in ordinary daily life," said Jameel Jaffer, who has represented the ACLU in three cases related to electronic surveillance since 2006. "Congress must not permit the secret surveillance of Americans' private communications to continue without any meaningful oversight or accountability." According to the documents, companies are required to install surveillance software after a "request" to do so by either the NSA or DEA, without requiring the company turn over any of the customer data in process. NSA and DEA did not respond to the document's findings. One of the documents in NSA release, dated 2012, states that the Department of Justice can issue "administrative subpoenas" for all "communications transactional and the content between your server and any phone company that may be connected to the internet." documents also note that a "federal Viagra super active canada grand jury" has been convened to investigate the case. According to the documents, program started in September 2001 and ended only in June 2009. The agency was given access to the data by Verizon, but not until December 2015 after a lawsuit was filed. One of the documents in DEA case — dated 2010 states that the DEA requested access "to data" from at least eight of the companies participating in program. records obtained by The Intercept show that DEA requested a log of Viagra 360 Pills 100mg $369 - $1.03 Per pill all users and their IP addresses, also requested information about each customer's phone records, "metadata" such as numbers called, date, time and duration, call content, of call, and length call. Two of the companies — Verizon and AT&T turned over such data, provided the DEA with communications records within the United States, and provided a "technical assistance" for the investigation. In each case, information was retained for one year.
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